
Hit by a stranger........

My life was a party, I was happy and peaceful, until one day when I met this stranger who came into my life from nowhere, he turned my life upside down and to my surprise I started liking my life this way. He looked and me straight into my eyes and smiled at me whenever I looked at him. His eyes spoke more than what he can express... Whenever I heard my name in his voice it felt as if I was named just now. Has someone has called me for the first time ever??Each time I heard my name from him I could feel something new about myself. Time passed in a snap and days passed in a wink I completely lost the track of time when I thought about him.. We barely spoke or exchanged words, the conversation was optimal but the eyes did the talking. My heart was busy connecting with him. All I wanted to do was watch him.... watch him move, watch him eat, watch him smile, watch him sit, watch him all the time... It annoyed me if anyone came near him and distracted me if anyone came near me... 

I thought that I knew myself but he proved me wrong... WHO AM I?? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? WHY AM I LOST? I barely listened if someone spoke and stopped paying attention to everything around me, all I did was to think about him as if it was the only thing in the world left for me to do.. i kept thinking about him till it felt that my brain would explode.

Watching him leave squeezed my heart, it felt I stood there as if I am left with nothing. I waited for him to say something  and I couldn't look at him in his eyes. I just turned my face and let him go... I just did not want him to know how much it pained to watch him go... and now after he had left I am here all alone as if I was hit by a bus ... not knowing what to do, just lying with all the pain, waiting for someone to come, helpless and alone.................. All I do now is talk to myself, be in my own world, cry for no reason, smile when I am alone and stare at things for hours.... I am just waiting in pain.. I don't know the reason for my wait.... but I am just waiting.....


I can still be myself...

Yell at me till your last nerve bursts.... Show me all the evil that you have...
Knock me down and make me want to cry... Rip my heart and make me struggle...
Make me want to kill myself... Torture me with all your might.. 
Take me down don't let me breathe... Give me the pain, the pain that I can't take...
I will take all of it with a grin... and laugh right on your face...
All the pain you gave me is making my strength grow like a giant...
I now know what I want... It is more clear what I aspire... 
The pain is making me proud of myself for what I can fight against...
Go ahead, be merciless and insane.... and help me know how strong I can be...
Whatsoever you may do to me I can still remain myself and just love myself more...
You just can't stop me you can only help me grow....
It dosen't matter to me for what you wanna punish me for... 
Against all the forces I can still be what I aspire to be....